Can You Tell Gender at 14 Week Ultrasound

How Accurately Can an Ultrasound Predict Gender at 14.5 Weeks?

Updated on May 27, 2010

Y.P. asks from Tempe, AZ

12 answers

I just had an ultrasound at 14w4d and the tech told me it's a girl. I saw the iii white lines which are supposed to signal that it's a girl and the tech said she felt definite it was a girl. I just didn't recall that all the genitalia was formed enough to meet by xiv.5 weeks. Is information technology possible to tell this early?

What tin can I do next?

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answers from Denver on

We were told at near this time my DAUGHTER was a boy... at twenty weeks, confirmed girl. Hold out until twenty weeks for the final determination! Congrats!

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answers from York on

My OB will not practise the gender ultrasound until at least 17 weeks. He really prefers closer to xx weeks for accuracy. If I were you I wouldn't start buying pink however :)



answers from Albuquerque on

It's never 100% certain til the baby is born. People put a lot of stock in ultrasounds (both for accuracy in gender and size, every bit well equally their safety). I know many people who idea they were having one gender and turned out to was another. I'thousand surprised the tech would venture a guess and so early. And nothing is definite.


answers from Jacksonville on

I'd say information technology's fifty/l. lol



answers from Denver on

I take heard that the style they usually predict gender is by looking for ovaries equally opposed to picayune male child bits or lack thereof. I think they point out the bits on the outside to united states considering that is what we desire to see. Simply I've heard they actually don't need fifty-fifty run into them to tell. They can tell by what'southward inside.
**Of grade, my source could exist WAY off just information technology sounds like it makes sense to me.



answers from Albuquerque on

I only had an ultrasound at 11 weeks and we could meet the male child "parts", and then probably is accurate. Likewise techs and doctors practise these ultrasounds everyday so they really know what they're doing and what to await for. ..Only I would definately wait another month or then and have it done again-only to be safe. Congrats!



answers from Washington DC on

Its probably more of the fact that something wasn't showing on the ultrasound. I didn't have mine until 17w and so I don't know how what the accuracy deadline is. I do know that they are more than opt to tell y'all if they think it is a girl than if they think it is a male child, just because what they remember may be at that place, may non, simply if they don't fifty-fifty see information technology to begin with...

Good luck


J.Due south.

answers from Dallas on

I deceit tell you lot statistics but my dr told me the best time to see and be the virtually sure is after 16 wks. The all-time way to tell that early is amno and I wouldn't recommend that so merely wait it out.



answers from Phoenix on

I wouldn't paint the nursery yet - we had an ultrasound at 13w6d and it said boy, but at my 21 week ultrasound, she was quite clearly a girl! I'm not due till Baronial, so I can't definitely say which was correct, but I'grand going with girl. All babies do develop at different rates though, and it may very well exist a boy even if all she did was guess! Good luck!


answers from Spokane on

Admittedly! Of class it does depend on a few things. If it'south a high resolution automobile and your tech knows his stuff, they tin can usually tell. iii white lines sounds like a girl to me too.


answers from Los Angeles on

Well mine was a chip hard i actually had my ultrasound at maybe 22 -23 wks, my bby would let herself show, so if i were u i'll make sure and await til ur 21 wks for accurateness!!!!

Proficient luck!!! Any names withal??/



answers from Phoenix on

I don't call up you should put to much into an ultrasound "sexing" your baby. Personally, I never found out until her altogether, wanted that surprise. But, I have heard of people finding out its a boy/girl, prepping for that, and then delivering the reverse of what was expected. Ultrasounds have also missed the presence of a second baby. Whatsoever happens, good luck and congratulations!


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