​what type of diet requires the most energy to produce?
Food energy is chemical energy that animals (including humans) derive from their food to sustain their metabolism, including their muscular activity.[1]
About animals derive most of their energy from aerobic respiration, namely combining the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins with oxygen from air or dissolved in water.[two] Other smaller components of the diet, such as organic acids, polyols, and ethanol (drinking alcohol) may contribute to the free energy input. Some diet components that provide picayune or no nutrient energy, such as water, minerals, vitamins, cholesterol, and cobweb, may still exist necessary to wellness and survival for other reasons. Some organisms take instead anaerobic respiration, which extracts energy from food by reactions that do not require oxygen.
The energy contents of a given mass of food is ordinarily expressed in the metric (SI) unit of free energy, the joule (J), and its multiple the kilojoule (kJ); or in the traditional unit of estrus energy, the calorie (cal). In nutritional contexts, the latter is always the "large" variant of the unit, likewise written "Calorie" (with symbol Cal, both with capital "C") or "kilocalorie" (kcal), and equivalent to 4184 J or 4.184 kJ.[iii] Thus, for example, fats and ethanol have the greatest amount of food free energy per unit mass, 37 and 29 kJ/g (ix and 7 kcal/g), respectively. Proteins and most carbohydrates have about 17 kJ/grand (four kcal/g), though there are differences between different kinds. For example, the values for glucose, sucrose, and starch are fifteen.57, xvi.48 and 17.48 kilojoules per gram (three.72, three.94 and 4.xviii kcal/one thousand) respectively. The differing energy density of foods (fat, alcohols, carbohydrates and proteins) lies mainly in their varying proportions of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms.[four] Carbohydrates that are not easily captivated, such every bit fibre, or lactose in lactose-intolerant individuals, contribute less food energy. Polyols (including saccharide alcohols) and organic acids contribute 10 kJ/m (2.4 kcal/g) and 13 kJ/g (3.ane kcal/thousand) respectively.[5]
The energy contents of a complex dish or repast can be approximated by calculation the energy contents of its components.
Measuring the energy content of food [edit]
Direct calorimetry of combustion [edit]
The first determinations of the energy content of food was determined past burning a dried sample a flop calorimeter and measuring a temperature modify in the h2o surrounding the appliance, a method known as direct calorimetry.[6]
For organic substances, the value obtained by this method depends mainly in proportions of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Namely, combustion of one gram of a substance with elemental formula C c H h O o N n , with the resulting h2o in liquid form, will produce nearly
to a good approximation (±3%).[7]
The Atwater system [edit]
However, the direct calorimetric method generally overestimates the actual energy that the body tin can obtain from the food, because information technology also counts the energy contents of dietary fiber and other boxy components, and does not allow for partial absorption and/or incomplete metabolism of certain substances. For this reason, today the energy content of food is instead obtained indirectly, by using chemical analysis to determine the corporeality of each digestible dietary component (such equally protein, carbohydrates, and fats), and calculation the respective food energy contents, previously obtained by measurement of metabolic rut released by the body.[viii] [ix] In particular, the fibre content is excluded. This method is known equally the Modified Atwater arrangement, after Wilbur Atwater who pioneered these measurements in the tardily 19th century.[one] [10]
The system was later improved by Annabel Merrill and Bernice Watt of the USDA, who derived a arrangement whereby specific calorie conversion factors for dissimilar foods were proposed.[11]
Dietary sources of free energy [edit]
The typical human diet consists chiefly of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, water, ethanol, and indigestible components such as bones, seeds, and fiber (mostly cellulose). Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins typically incorporate ninety percent of the dry out weight of nutrient.[12] Ruminants can extract nutrient energy from the respiration of cellulose because of bacteria in their rumens that decompose it into digestible carbohydrates.
Other minor components of the man diet that contribute to its free energy content are organic acids such as citric and tartaric, and polyols such as glycerol, xylitol, inositol, and sorbitol.
Some nutrients have regulatory roles affected by jail cell signaling, in addition to providing energy for the body.[xiii] For instance, leucine plays an of import office in the regulation of protein metabolism and suppresses an private's appetite.[14] Small amounts of essential fatty acids, constituents of some fats that cannot be synthesized by the human body, are used (and necessary) for other biochemical processes.
The approximate food energy contents of diverse human diet components, to be used in package labeling co-ordinate to the Eu regulations [xv]and UK regulations, [16] are:
Food component | Free energy density | |
kJ/g | kcal/one thousand | |
Fat | 37 | nine |
Ethanol | 29 | 7 |
Proteins | 17 | 4 |
Carbohydrates | 17 | four |
Organic acids | 13 | 3 |
Polyols (sugar alcohols, sweeteners) (1) | 10 | 2.4 |
Fiber (two) | viii | 2 |
(ane) Some polyols, like erythritol, are not digested and should be excluded from the count.
(2) This entry exists in the Eu regulations of 2008,[xv] but not in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland regulations, according to which fibre shall non exist counted.[16]
More detailed tables for specific foods have been published by many organizations, such equally the Un Food and Agriculture Organization also has published a similar table.[3]
Other components of the human diet are either noncaloric, or are commonly consumed in such small amounts that they can be neglected.
Energy usage in the human body [edit]
The food energy actually obtained past respiration is used by the human being torso for a broad range of purposes, including basal metabolism of various organs and tissues, maintaining the internal body temperature, and exerting muscular force to maintain posture and produce motility. Most 20% is used for brain metabolism.[iii]
The conversion efficiency of energy from respiration into muscular (physical) power depends on the blazon of food and on the type of physical free energy usage (e.g., which muscles are used, whether the muscle is used aerobically or anaerobically). In general, the efficiency of muscles is rather low: only xviii to 26% of the energy available from respiration is converted into mechanical energy.[17] This depression efficiency is the result of about 40% efficiency of generating ATP from the respiration of food, losses in converting energy from ATP into mechanical work inside the musculus, and mechanical losses inside the body. The latter two losses are dependent on the type of exercise and the type of muscle fibers being used (fast-twitch or ho-hum-twitch). For an overall efficiency of 20%, one watt of mechanical power is equivalent to xviii kJ/h (4.3 kcal/h). For example, a manufacturer of rowing equipment shows calories released from "called-for" food as four times the bodily mechanical piece of work, plus i,300 kJ (300 kcal) per 60 minutes,[18] which amounts to about 20% efficiency at 250 watts of mechanical output. It can have upwardly to 20 hours of little physical output (e.g., walking) to "burn off" 17,000 kJ (4,000 kcal)[xix] more than a body would otherwise eat. For reference, each kilogram of body fat is roughly equivalent to 32,300 kilojoules of food energy (i.e., 3,500 kilocalories per pound or vii,700 kilocalories per kilogram).[20]
Recommended daily intake [edit]
Many countries and wellness organizations have published recommendations for healthy levels of daily intake of food free energy. For case, the United States government recommends 10,900 and 8,400 kJ (2,600 and ii,000 kcal) for men and women, respectively, between ages 31 and 35. These recommendations assume the light physical activity associated with typical day-to-day life, including walking about ii.5 to five km (1+ 1⁄2 to iii mi) per solar day at 5 to half dozen km/h (three to 4 mph). [21]
According to the Nutrient and Agriculture Organization of the Un, the average minimum free energy requirement per person per day is about 7,500 kJ (1,800 kcal).[22]
Older people and those with sedentary lifestyles crave less free energy; children and physically active people crave more. Recognizing these factors, Australia's National Health and Medical Inquiry Council recommends different daily energy intakes for each age and gender group.[23] Nevertheless, diet labels on Australian nutrient products typically recommend the average daily energy intake of eight,800 kJ (ii,100 kcal).
The minimum food free energy intake is as well higher in cold environments. Increased mental activeness has been linked with moderately increased brain energy consumption.[24]
Nutrition labels [edit]
The nutritional information label on a pack of Basmati rice in the Uk
Many governments require food manufacturers to label the free energy content of their products, to help consumers control their energy intake. To facilitate evaluation by consumers, nutrient energy values (and other nutritional properties) in bundle labels or tables are frequently quoted for convenient amounts of the nutrient, rather than per gram or kilogram; such every bit in "calories per serving" or "kcal per 100 thousand", or "kJ per parcel". The units vary depending on country:
State | Mandatory unit (symbol) | Second unit (symbol) | Common usage |
United States | Calorie (Cal) [25] | kilojoule (kJ), optional [25] | calorie (cal) [26] |
Canada | Calorie (Cal)[ citation needed ] | kilojoule (kJ), optional[ citation needed ] | calorie (cal)[ commendation needed ] |
Australia and New Zealand | kilojoule (kJ) [27] [28] | kilocalorie (kcal), optional [27] [28] | AU: kilocalorie (kcal)[ citation needed ] |
U.k. | kJ [16] | kcal, mandatory [sixteen] | |
European Spousal relationship | kilojoule (kJ) [29] | kilocalorie (kcal), mandatory [29] | |
Brazil | caloria or quilocaloria (kcal) [30] | caloria |
See also [edit]
- Atwater system
- Basal metabolic charge per unit
- Calorie
- Chemical energy
- Food chain
- Food composition
- Heat of combustion
- Nutrition facts label
- Table of food nutrients
- List of countries past food free energy intake
References [edit]
- ^ a b Allison Marsh (2020): "How Counting Calories Became a Science: Calorimeters defined the nutritional value of nutrient and the output of steam generators" Online commodity on the IEEE Spectrum website, dated 2020-12-29. Accessed on 2022-01-20.
- ^ Ross, Thou. A. (2000c) Energy and fuel, in Littledyke Chiliad., Ross M. A. and Lakin E. (eds), Science Knowledge and the Environment. London: David Fulton Publishers.
- ^ a b c Un Food and Agronomics Arrangement (2003): "FAO Food and Nutrition Paper 77: Nutrient energy - methods of analysis and conversion factors". Accessed on 2022-01-21.
- ^ Schmidt-Rohr Grand (2015). "Why Combustions Are Always Exothermic, Yielding About 418 kJ per Mole of O2". J. Chem. Educ. 92: 2094–2099. doi:ten.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00333.
- ^ "Schedule 7: Nutrition labelling". Legislation.gov.u.k.. The National Archives. one July 1996. Retrieved xiii December 2019.
- ^ Adrienne Youdim (2021): "Calories". Article in the Merck Manual Dwelling Edition online, dated Dec/2011. Accessed on 2022-02-21
- ^ Schmidt-Rohr K (2015). "Why Combustions Are Always Exothermic, Yielding Virtually 418 kJ per Mole of O2". J. Chem. Educ. 92 (12): 2094–2099. Bibcode:2015JChEd..92.2094S. doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00333.
- ^ "Food Value of Some Common Foods" (PDF). Wellness Canada, PDF p. 4. 1997. Retrieved 2015-01-25 .
- ^ "How Practice Food Manufacturers Summate the Calorie Count of Packaged Foods?". Scientific American . Retrieved 2017-09-08 .
- ^ "Why food labels are wrong" past Bijal Trivedi, New Scientist, eighteen July 2009, pp. 30-3.
- ^ Annabel Merrill; Bernice Watt (1973). Free energy Values of Food ... basis and derivation (PDF). United States Section of Agriculture. Archived from the original (PDF) on November 22, 2016.
- ^ "Carbohydrates, Proteins, Diet". The Merck Transmission.
- ^ Jeffrey S. F. (2006). "Regulating Energy Balance: The Substrate Strikes Dorsum". Science: 861–864.
- ^ Garlick, P. J. The role of leucine in the regulation of protein metabolism. Journal of Nutrition, 2005. 135(6): 1553S–6S.
- ^ a b Council directive 90/496/EEC of 24 September 1990 on nutrition labelling for foodstuffs
- ^ a b c d United kingdom The Food Labelling Regulations 1996 – Schedule seven: Nutrition labelling
- ^ Stephen Seiler, Efficiency, Economic system and Endurance Performance (1996, 2005).
- ^ Concept II Rowing Ergometer, user manual (1993).
- ^ Guyton A. C., Hall J. Due east. Textbook of medical physiology, 11 ed., p. 887, Elsevier Saunders, 2006.
- ^ Wishnofsky, M. Caloric Equivalents of Gained or Lost Weight. The American Journal of Clinical Diet, (1958).
- ^ United states of america National Institutes of Health (2015): "Dietary guidelines"
- ^ Un Food and Agriculture Organization (2014): "Hunger". Accessed on 2014-09-27
- ^ "Dietary Free energy". Retrieved 27 September 2014.
- ^ Evaluation of a mental try hypothesis for correlations between cortical metabolism and intelligence, Intelligence, Volume 21, Number 3, November 1995 , pp. 267-278(12), 1995.
- ^ a b Usa Federal Government (1977), "Code of Federal Regulations - Part 101 - Food labeling", from Federal Register 14308, 1977-03-15.
- ^ U. Due south. Food and Drug Administration (2019): "Calories on the Menu - Information for ". Online certificate at the FDA Website, dated 2019-08-05. Accessed on 2022-01-20.
- ^ a b Wellness. "Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Standard i.2.eight – Nutrition information requirements". www.legislation.gov.au . Retrieved 2020-05-29 .
- ^ a b "What's the difference between a calorie and a kilojoule". Queensland Health. 2017-02-21. Retrieved 2020-05-29 .
- ^ a b European Union Parliament (2011): "Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011" Document 02011R1169-20180101
- ^ Ministério da Saúde, Brazil (2020): "Instrução Normativa Nº 75 - Estabelece os requisitos técnicos para declaração da rotulagem nutricional nos alimentos embalados", dated 2020-10-08, published on Diário Oficial da União on 2020-10-09, folio 113.
External links [edit]
- Is a calorie a calorie?
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_energy
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